Blueberry berries prevent vision problems

29 February 2024

Blueberry berries prevent vision problems

This wild fruit improves the health of the eyes and beyond. Find out what other benefits this sweet food rich in tannins, vegetable acids and essential mineral salts have.

Recent studies prove that blueberry berries can improve various vision problems, including nearsightedness and degeneration of the ocular macula. Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), also known among us as cranberries, brushweed or blueberry, are a more popular shrub in northern Europe than in the south. They also grow spontaneously in North America and Canada. They like siliceous and acidic soils, woods, mountains and the humid environments of the forests of Northern Europe, where some native species grow.

One such example is Vaccinium uliginosum L., which is found only in Scotland and Scandinavia, where it is known as northern bilberry. The variety V. angustifolium L. grows on the east coast of Canada and the United States of America and its fruits are generally larger than the other varieties. In our country, unfortunately, it is quite underestimated but we can nevertheless find it in the pine forests, bushes and mountains of Alto Minho, Marão and Serra da Estrela.

Blueberry is a deciduous shrub with multi-branched erect stems, oval, pointed leaves, small, white or pink flowers, and round berries that turn bluish-black when ripening. It belongs to the ericaceous family and can reach about four meters in height, although it is generally shorter.

Utilities and components

In phytotherapy, the leaves and berries are used, which are harvested at the end of summer. The fruits are very rich in tannins, organic acids, glucosides, pectins, carotenes, flavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamins B and C, provitamin A and vegetable acids and mineral salts, especially iron, manganese and chromium. Due to the anthocyanin pigments, which are antioxidants and exist in fruits, exerting an anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic action on the body.

In addition, they also increase capillary resistance and decrease their permeability and also help to regenerate the purple pigment of the eyes necessary for night vision, having been widely used by British pilots during the Second World War. Recent studies prove that blueberry berries can improve various vision problems, including myopia and degeneration of the macula due to age or diabetes. It also combats venous insufficiencies such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids and diarrhea, when the fruit is eaten dry.

The fresh fruit is slightly laxative and indicated for oropharyngeal inflammations, urinary inflammations, antifungal, anti-inflammatory. The leaves can be useful in pre-diabetic states and urinary tract infections, diarrhea, cystitis and vaginitis. Blueberry extract is part of the composition of many medications, especially to treat vision problems. Externally, it can be used in burns, inflammation of the oral mucosa, eyes and dermal ulcers.


What food supplements can help?



O ALIVISION® is a food supplement that contributes to the proper functioning of the ocular system.


  • Blepharite
  • Falls
  • Degenerative eye diseases
  • Diabetic Retinopathy


Text: Fernanda Botelho -

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